Week 7 of Pregnancy 6

Week 7 of Pregnancy 6

Week 7 of Pregnancy 6

Basically the same story as Week 6.

I am dying. But worse.

All my symptoms are the same, but worse.

My exhaustion is terrible.

My motivation is non-existent.

My will to get out of bed is decreasing every day.

I have terrible headaches, I think from caffeine withdrawals.

My boobs feel like watermelons, which is actually welcome when they have felt like deflated balloons in the recent months.

My nausea is on point.

I am living off of chicken noodle soup and cereal. It’s literally the only two things I can stomach or that sound good right now.

I feel like I am not just saying this because I’m currently in the moment of feeling like shit, but this is definitely the worst it’s been for me out of all my pregnancies.

I am struggling to make CrossFit a priority. I’m definitely not doing myself any favors, mentally, by skipping out. BUT I FEEL TERRIBLE. I am only going about twice a week right now. And I hate that. CrossFit is my thing. It makes everything better.

Friends are starting to catch on that I am probably pregnant. We went to a birthday party this past weekend and I was the only person not drinking.


I was hoping no one would ask me about it and they didn’t. 

Welp, that’s all I got this week. Looking forward to next week when we get to find out if there is a baby or not 🙂

CrossFit has started to go downhill for me this week. Since I started my new gym, I go at 6:00 a.m. And my body is tell me, “GIRL, NO. YOU NEED SLEEP” So I sleep, for now.

First Trimester CrossFit

Tuesday, September 18
Front Squat
1×2 @ 50% = 98#
1×2 @ 60% = 117#
1×2 @ 70% = 137#
2×2 @ 80% = 156#
2×1 @ 90% = 176#
2×1 @ 95% = 185#

These felt heavy AF. I failed at 95%. I couldn’t come close to squatting it.


8 rounds/1 min AMRAP/1 min Rest
5 hang cleans 65#
5 front squats
5 box jump overs

I got 7 rounds even. This didn’t feel terrible. Just out of breath like always.