I’m sitting at home. ALONE. ALL ALONE. L I T E R A L L Y A L L A L O N E. And it’s been such a great day. I have done so much stuff today that has really filled my cup up to make me a whole human being again. As I […]

one year old

After a hectic start to Jolee’s life…where are we now? Well, I did not keep up month to month posts with Jolee. So, we are pretty much going to jump from 4 months old to now…1 year old. She’s perfect. And feisty. And funny. And I love her so much. As I was editing the […]

infant speech therapy

Throughout the whole Jolee’s Journey with the Bottle…I have remained cautiously optimistic about the whole situation. She’s taken a bottle and then not taken a bottle and then taken a bottle again. I hoped this was the end of everything. I hoped she was really going to take a bottle forever. Well, not forever, but […]

Throughout the whole Jolee’s Journey with the Bottle…I have remained cautiously optimistic about the whole situation. She’s taken a bottle and then not taken a bottle and then taken a bottle again. I hoped this was the end of everything. I hoped she was really going to take a bottle forever. Well, not forever, but […]

infant speech therapy

Just like that another week has flown by. I cannot believe we are about to enter into week 4 postpartum already. Overall, nothing major has changed. Jolee still isn’t sleeping more than 3 hours a night, which is expected. I would like to tell you that it’s starting to wear on me, but I feel […]

baby sleep

After Jolee was delivered, we had to spend 2 1/2 days in the hospital. Day 1 was essentially great. I got to meet Jolee. After I gave birth, we did immediate skin to skin. I had a second degree tear so they went straight to sewing me up. Let me tell you, this is not […]

kangaroo care

Here we are again. Week 4. In my last post, You Ever Have An “OH SHIT” Moment?, you read that I was unexpectedly pregnant again. And it was already looking bad. Whenever I went to the doctor on Wednesday, they did a quick blood draw to test my HCG levels. They were convinced and I […]

Week 4 of Pregnancy 6

On one of mine and Scott’s date night we FINALLY had the dreaded talk. To have more kids…or…to not have more kids. Scott is 100% adamant that he does not want any more kids. He has had the stance since the miscarriage, so it should not be a surprise to me. BUT, I am normally […]

In other news this week, it was actually a good week given the doctor appointment that left me feeling uneasy. Scott and I were actually starting to be happy about our unexpected baby. We were talking about the future and how crazy our lives would be, but we said it with a smile. It was […]

I’m pregnant. For the 5th time, I’m pregnant. But for the first time, it’s unexpected. And I’m a ball of fucking emotions for several reasons. First of all, this was not planned. We were not prepared for this at all. In particular, I was not prepared for this and, for the moment, it’s for extremely […]

I believe we are approaching what is known as the “Terrible Three’s” with Raelynn. I think it used to be the terrible two’s, but has since transitioned to the terrible three’s. She is a good kid, she really is. But she is giving us a run for our money. And it makes me question EVERYTHING… […]