I’m sitting at home. ALONE. ALL ALONE. L I T E R A L L Y A L L A L O N E. And it’s been such a great day. I have done so much stuff today that has really filled my cup up to make me a whole human being again. As I […]

one year old

After a hectic start to Jolee’s life…where are we now? Well, I did not keep up month to month posts with Jolee. So, we are pretty much going to jump from 4 months old to now…1 year old. She’s perfect. And feisty. And funny. And I love her so much. As I was editing the […]

infant speech therapy

Throughout the whole Jolee’s Journey with the Bottle…I have remained cautiously optimistic about the whole situation. She’s taken a bottle and then not taken a bottle and then taken a bottle again. I hoped this was the end of everything. I hoped she was really going to take a bottle forever. Well, not forever, but […]

Another week…and I’m still pregnant. I honestly can’t believe it. But I’m happy. This week I had to go to the doctor at some point and follow up again with my HCG levels. I was at the doctor Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday last week…so, the last place I wanted to be was this damn doctor’s […]

Week 5 of Pregnancy 6

Here we are again. Week 4. In my last post, You Ever Have An “OH SHIT” Moment?, you read that I was unexpectedly pregnant again. And it was already looking bad. Whenever I went to the doctor on Wednesday, they did a quick blood draw to test my HCG levels. They were convinced and I […]

Week 4 of Pregnancy 6

I wish I could wait a really, really, really long time to tell everyone that I am pregnant. Mainly because of my history of 3 miscarriages. I’m always on edge that when I finally share the news, something is going to happen. I’m going to lose my baby. I’ve been through it. And it sucks. […]

unexpected unplanned pregnancy

I’M PREGNANT. For the 6th time. And I also think I’m miscarrying. For the 4th time. Jesus, y’all. I just don’t even know where to start. This was, yet, another unexpected pregnancy. I had a feeling I was pregnant. I can’t explain, it was just a feeling in the pit of my stomach. I went […]

pregnancy test

We are more than half way through the year, and I find myself reflecting back on prior posts. I post a lot of things for accountability. If I put it out there, I have to do it, right? Ha, Nope. So, here I am, about to be vulnerable as hell and tell you everything that […]

i feel like i'm losing myself

After an eventful week last week, I am trying to recover, mentally and emotionally. It was a big cluster fuck of a week. Even though the events of last week are still pretty recent, Scott and I are recovering well. As we always do. It’s like we go through these huge curves of doing really […]

Week 24 of Pregnancy 6

I would like to tell you that Week 10 was sunshine and rainbows, but I’d be lying to you. After a week of feeling pretty okay, I was quickly (and thankfully) reminded that I am in fact still growing a baby. I was nauseous for 3 days straight. And just flat out feeling like shit. […]

Week 10 of Pregnancy 6

Monday happened. And I’d like a redo. God, this dreaded appointment. This dreaded doctors office. I was so over everything at this point. I am pretty sure I have been in that office more in the last 2 months than I have for all my pregnancies combined. Well, not really, but that’s what it feels […]

Today, I had my follow up appointment for my miscarriage. I had been anxiously awaiting this appointment. This week went by so slow. I was just so ready to hear, “You are not pregnant,” so I could move on. I felt my body had taken care of everything, but I just wanted and needed that […]

On January 18th, I found out I was going to miscarry for the third time. My heart was and still is shattered. I would not wish this feeling on anyone. It’s the absolute worst. When I left the appointment, I just cried. My heart was so broken. For the most part, my boss was already […]

In other news this week, it was actually a good week given the doctor appointment that left me feeling uneasy. Scott and I were actually starting to be happy about our unexpected baby. We were talking about the future and how crazy our lives would be, but we said it with a smile. It was […]

This week is the week that we’ve been waiting for. And behold…we have a baby with a heartbeat. The appointment overall was a little uneasy for me. Whenever I went in on January 10th, according to my last missed period, I would have been 8 weeks. According to date of conception it was 7 weeks […]